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Create Exquisite Focus Amidst Chaos

I’ve worked with lots of incredible people who want to create something — whether it’s art, a book, a business, or some impact on the world.

One of the stories we often have when we want to create is that we’re too busy, pulled in too many direction, or need to clear out our lives before we can focus.

Basically, the story is that everything needs to be clear before I can focus and create.

But that never comes. We never clear everything else out, we never have a life without some chaos. And so if that’s our story — that we neeed to have pristine clearness before we focus — we’ll never create anything.

As I write this, I’m proving that story wrong. There’s chaos in my life, from things going on in my family to my uncertainty about my projects to a thousand demands on my time. And yet I’m finding some beautiful focus right this minute, to write. I’m not exceptional — we can all do this, if we commit to changing this story.

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